Yei blogging! Should be doing a little winter cleaning instead, really, but decided to have a little sit down with the laptop, crackers and some olive jelly. Yes, not the most appealing of names, but it actually tastes quite good.
It´s midday and we just got home last night from a five day vacation in Acapulco. We had a great time, spent most of it in the pool because the nearest beach
didn´t seem very clean (itchy, was one of the adjectives used to describe it). But the pool was great and after a little sun worshipping, were not our old pasty white selves.

The rest of out time was taken up with eating, a lot (a HUGE box of chocolate brownie bites, a marlin, salmon and tuna
sashimi, two different types of
ceviche, lime cooked king prawns, oysters, steak, 2 cartons of eggs, 1 loaf of bread, hamburgers, french fries and two buckets of ice cream). I think I´
ve easily put on 4 kilos of holiday weight.
We also took our kitty
Pok Ta
Pok with us. Ha, yes I have a cat! After a long
cat less childhood I finally have my own place and I can fill it with kitties if I so please.
Anyhow, he was great, especially considering we just had him neutered. Granted, he did spend most of the time we were in the car on my lap, and was showered with gifts due to his owners feeling guilty about the
afore mentioned snipping. He even got his own square of tuna

Anyhow, were all back home and trying to get on with normal activities. Thank Goddess it´s already Wednesday.